Total Miles: 3752.42
Time: 5:48
Average Speed: 14.4 mph
Max Speed: 31.8 mph
Flats Today: 0
Total Flats: 15
Elevation Gain: 2227 ft
Weather: Light rain in the morning changing to very hot and humid later
Today started out as almost the same as yesterday, but it slowly died down and turned out to be very hot. We got a lot more pictures today because after the rain passed we didn't have to worry about the camera getting wet. Today was also really cool because we followed the Mohawk River almost the entire wa
That sag stop was at another root beer stand type thing, so we got some ice cream then continued on our way. After the sag stop, we almost immediately got right back onto the bike path. It was nice for about 2 miles, then
we saw an asphalt paver that looked like it was ready to pave a path in front of us. Sure enough, on the other side of the machine, there was just gravel that hadn't been paved over yet. We rode on that for about 2 miles, then the path became paved again. I never thought that I would be so excited to see asphalt after riding on it for the past 47 days. Anyway, the path stayed paved for the rest of the ride on the bike path. Once we got past the gravel and
a little bit more, the path went right up next to the river again. Wade took a bunch of pictures of me behind him and in front of him while we were on the bike path. One of the pictures he even tried to get both of us in it. We followed that for about 8 miles until we had to turn and ride the last 3 miles on roads to the hotel. Before we made our turn onto the roads, we took the bike path about a mile and a half further, then turned around. We ended up only getting an extra 3 miles out of that, so after we climbed some hills to get to the hotel, we rode around in some neighboring ca
r lots to get a few more miles. The day was only supposed to be 76 miles and we almost got to 84, so we ended up doing about 8 extra miles today. What also helped us get those 8 miles was going to Mass this evening. It was only about 7 tenths of a mile away, but there and back makes a mile and a half. Big John ate with a college buddy of his tonight, so it was just Fran, Rand, Wade and I that went to Mass today. The first time he missed Mass on this trip, the next day he got 2 flats... I doubt anyone will ride with him tomorrow. Anyway, today was great because we actually got to take some pictures. According to, there was a 10 percent chance of rain today, and tomorrow is a 40 percent chance. Since we got rained on almost all morning with a 10 percent chance, we plan on getting wet tomorrow... but hopefully not.
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