Total Miles: 1961.45
Time: 3:44
Average Speed: 17.5 mph
Max Speed: 30.6 mph
Flats Today: 0
Total Flats: 11
Elevation Gain: 832 ft
Weather: 20 mph side and tail winds around 95 degrees
Since the sag stop had a nice set up due to us making it half way, and since we forgot yesterday, we took a picture of what a typical sag stop loo
ks like. Usually there's a little more snack food and no cup cakes, but today Judy, one of the staff members, set up a nice 1/2 display of cup cakes. If you notice, there are cherries at this sag stop, so we ate our share... and enough for about 5 more people. We eventually stopped eating cherries, then we headed on our way to Abilene.
We only had about 5 more miles with a tail wind before we turned and had a side wind. It was an extremely strong side wind, but we were used to it from most a l
ot of earlier days, so it wasn't too bad. We rode with side winds almost all of the way into Abilene, then when we were about 2 miles from the hotel, we stopped at a deli called "The Dish." It was a very nice sandwich shop, which really pleased Fran, and it wasn't expensive, which pleased us... That's the difference between us conservatives and liberal Fran. We love talking politics with him, but at the top of hills, he seems to have the upper edge since I'm out of breath. Anyway, we ate a
very good sandwich at the deli, then we headed out to a museum and library down the road.The library was the Eisenhower Presidential Library, which is one of 12 presidential libraries in the U.S. For those who don't know, Eisenhower grew up in Abilene, Kansas... don't worry, we had no idea before today. Anyway, we went into the visitor center and found out that there was about a 10 acre area with Eisenhower's childhood home, a museum, hi
s and his family's graves, and the Presidential Library. We first watched a short movie about his entire life, then we headed out to his and his family's grave site. We took a few pictures of that and a nice fountain outside, then we moved on to his childhood home. It was closed at that time, but we still took some pictures on the outside of the house. After that we went to the museum. We were going to go through the museum then we found out that it was $8 each. We looked at each other, realized that we don't really like museums and especially when they
're $8 each, then we left the museum. Next, we went to the library, but on the way we stopped at a big statue of Ike and took a picture. Wade just thought he was so great because he could pose like a president. After the picture we went into the library, but they don't let people actually see the old books. All we got to see was some paintings done by some local high school students. When we left the library, we went to some pillars with some quotes by Ike, then we went back to his childhood home to see if it was open yet. It was open, so we went inside and checked it out. When we got out, Wade took a picture with Larry Johnson. He's the oldest guy on the trip, but he claims that he's not older, he's just been around the sun more times than us. He's a card and a really fun guy to be around,, so we had to get a picture. Anyway, we got done with the whole Eisenhower area and we headed to the hotel. Looking back, it seems like the first half went really fast. It was a ton of fun so far, and I can only hope that the second half is just as good... except with tail winds.
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