Total Miles: 3183.55
Time: 6:34
Average Speed: 15.3 mph
Max Speed: 40.5 mph
Flats Today: 0
Total Flats: 14
Elevation Gain: 4127 ft
Weather: Low wind around 90 degrees and humid
Today was another day of rolling hills, corn, beans, and heat. Also, there was another element that was added for us to complain about... rough roads. The roads on the second half of the day were really bad, so it made our 3rd century in a row a fairly tough one. They need some better civil engineers around here... I bet those bad roads were designed by Choice Two Engineering. Anyway, besides the rough roads and heat, it was a very nice day filled with a bunch of great "Ohio" scenery. I think i
When we got to the first sag stop, Brian and Kim Leggett were there waiting for us. We spent a longer time than we usually do at the sag stops, so like always, we had to catch back up to people who didn't stay long. It was very nice for them to come out today and see us... I'm surprised that they weren't tired of us after yesterday. There were riders that asked them if they were our friends and Brian just replied we know them and they laughed and said we understand. I didn't get it. Also at that sag stop was a bunch of Larry Johnson's cycling buddies. He was the happiest man in the world at that sag stop. Anyway, we eventually said good bye to Brian and Kim, and we continued on our way. We rode
along some rolling hills, passed a few people, then caught up to Joy and Judy. There wasn't much between the 2 sag stops today, so we just took it easy, but tried not to go too slow for Wade. We arrived at the sag stop, had our fill, then headed out again.
Only about a mile past the second sag stop we came upon some construction, so we had to walk about 2 tenths of a mile to get through the dirt and gravel. It was very interesting because there was a house in the middle of the construction that about a 10 foot drop off from their dr
iveway to the street. The picture doesn't do it justice, the slope was a 1:1 slope, it was a drop off. I don't know how that construction will work out, but I hope those people didn't leave their car in the garage before the construction started. After we got through the dirt and gravel, we rode through more rolling hills all the way into Youngstown. It flattened out a little bit from what it was like in Wooster, but those hills seem bigger every mile during your 3rd century in a row... at least we get to make it 4 in a row tomorrow!!! Anyway, when we got into Youngstown, we took a bike path until we were about a half of a mile away from our hotel. For some reason, our route told us to go away from our hotel and go way out of our way. Since we knew we want
ed to complete 100 miles today, we went ahead and took the long route. Some riders took the short cut, but we were too tough, or maybe too stupid, to take the short cut. The good part was that the long way led us to some ice cream, so we of coursed stopped and had an ice cream cone. After the ice cream, we finished up the ride to the hotel.

When we were just about to the hotel parking lot, we kept riding and continued until we found the short cut. We took the short cut backwards and got onto the bike path to get some extra miles. Since we were at about 92 miles and we knew that going to church would add about 5 miles, we road our extra 3 miles and w
ent back to the hotel. Once we were at the hotel, we swam, took showers, then went to church. It was a nice mass, and we even made it back in time for dinner. By the way, the ride to and from church put us over our century mark, so we now have 3 down and 1 more to go. In other news, I got an email again a few days ago, but don't worry it's not those crazy Choice One people again. Ken, the guy that toured us around in San Francisco, sent us some pictures of what the Golden Gate Bridge would have looked like if it hadn't been so foggy the 3 times we went to try to take pictures by it. Anyway, thanks to Ken, we now have pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge. His photography was a little better when we weren't there, or maybe he just didn't have us hassling him.

Tater and Wade, Of course this was Ohio' best scenery, you went through Stark County and the eastern part of the state. Great seeing you both. Have a safe journey the rest of the way.
ReplyDeleteThe Leggetts
Whew, only 42 days into it and I finally caught up to your blogs. I know I never would have been able to make the climbs in the Rockies, but I realized day 1 I would have not made it. My fear of heights would not have allowed me to cross the bridge. Tony, you need to cut out the ice cream...I thought you'd look really scrawny by now. Just kidding. All the best down the home stretch.
ReplyDeleteOk,I give up- what are the photos of the Golden Gate bridge doing in your description of a ride through Ohio? Were you pining for a return to the start of this adventure?