Total Miles: 2336.25
Time: 5:15
Average Speed: 15.7 mph
Max Speed: 38.8 mph
Flats Today: 0
Total Flats: 13
Elevation Gain: 4081
Weather: Slight head winds around 90 degrees and high humidity
We left the sag stop then continued on the rolling hills. We rode on more roads that were named with lette
rs, so we got into some more letter formations that we had to stop and take pictures of. The first one that we took a picture of was the cross roads of C and CC. It formed CCC. For those o
f you who might not know, this trip is called the Cross Country Challenge. When a brochure came in the mail for these trips, Wade looked through it then turned to me and said, "I want to go on the CCC." Ever since then we called it the CCC. Later we ran into highway PP, so we took a picture by that. Since I always have to stop and pee on the side of the road, I thought that it would be a good place to pee. Wade of course got a photo, but I wasn't ex
pecting Fran to tell me not to move so he could take a picture. It turned out to be quite a hit. Anyway, we rode through more rolling hills and Wade kept going ahead and then stopping, turning around, and taking pictures of me and Fran. I struggled to get up the hills let alone race up them to turn around and take pictures. Just so you know, I'm not a wimp because a lot of those hills got up to 12 and 13 percent grade. I think Wade just doesn't realize that his legs are supposed to hurt when he goes uphill.
We eventually made it to the second sag stop and once again we stayed there for quite some time. While we were there, Michele, the head staff member, was on the phone with one of the riders who needed help and she sai
d something really funny without realizing it. She asked the rider, "Are you near a hill?" We laughed then told her, "There's hills everywhere." She quickly realized what she said then laughed at herself. Also, today there were a couple of dogs that came out toward the road to bark at us... It wasn't near as bad as those angry dogs in Ohio that chased us when we were training this spring. Anyway, Wade told me that if the dogs got any closer he was going to use the Zach Cecil technique. The Zach Cecil technique was a tactic first used by Zach Cecil himself w
hile he was getting chased on his bike by a dog... He kicked it. The dogs didn't get close enough for Wade to do it today, but I bet he's too chicken and too much of a dog lover to do that anyway.
We rode the last 30 miles from the second sag stop to the end, and my legs were getting tired of the endless hills. I was quickly reminded of the flat lands when we had a stretch of about a mile of no hills. I wanted the hills back... there was a head wind, and I remembered how much I hate head winds. Also, in those last 30 miles, we went across some really bad bridges. The one that we took a picture of isn't as bad as some of the others, but those bridges were all bad. What a geek I am, looking at conditions of the bridges. See Shelby Countians, it is a good thing we voted for Bob Geuy and his Sales Tax. Anyway, we finished out the ride, checked into the hotel, then went out to DQ to get ice cream. It was a tough day, but it was very pretty and still a lot of fun. I think tomorrow has a little less climbing and we get to cross the Mississippi River.
Gosh darn...should have sent some DQ coupons with you!
ReplyDeleteSo I found a bike shop today and thought of you guys... Also, a guy in one of my classes goes to school or lives or something in Kirksville! I thought that was awesome so of course I told him about how you guys had passed through there! Wish I could be there to see you guys pass through OHIO! Take care! Ciao!