Total Miles: 556.20
Time: 3:20
Average Speed: 18.0 mph (about time)
Max Speed: 37.5 mph
Flats Today: 0
Total Flats: 0
Elevation Gain: 1393 ft
Weather: 10 mph tail winds around 75 degrees
After about 20 miles of riding the plains between mountains, we got to climb one. It was 5 miles at 5 percent grade, so it wasn't a Sierra Nevada mountain, but it was tough. Once we got to the top, the only sag stop of the day was waiting there for us. We ate some food, and we started heading downhill.
It was a nice steady 5 miles down hill, and about 4 miles into it was a very cool view. We turned a corner and we could see the straight-away of the highway go on for miles. It was definitely something you don't see in Ohio. Speaking of stuff that you don't see in Ohio, there are a ton of cattle-grates around here, but no cattle.
We rode the rest of the day along I-80, and the scenery didn't change. It was kind of interesting to look at because we don't see this kind of terrain in Ohio, but sometimes you really feel like you're in the middle of nowhere and getting nowhere. We saw a power plant out in the
distance, and after 5 miles we thought we had past it, so we looked back and to the side, but we couldn't see anything... It was still far in front of us. After a while, we did pass it, but distances out here are very deceiving. I think the desert is getting to Wade. Typically it's 100 degrees when they ride through here, so Wade wanted to know what it was like.
We rode with Fran again today. He's a retired professer from the University of North Carolina who taught grad students Environmental Engineering (water and wastewater treatment). He is a Catholic and a liberal. As Fran says, what do you expect from a major university professor, a conservative? We seem to get into political discussions a lot, but I don't know why. He went to Wal-Mart for the very first time with us, he refuses to patronize this non-union small business destroyer. He's very fun to talk with, and he rides at our pace. He's 68 years old, so either we ride like old men, or he's a machine... Obviously he's a machine. One of the riders got in a crash 2 days ago with another rider, and he just found out from the doctor that he has a broken rib and a punctured lung. He'll continue to ride, but he has to use a breathing apparatus, and if he's not breathing enough, then he has to stop. The scary part is that the crash happened right behind Wade... that would have been bad if Wade would have went down. The guy that he ran into is from New Zealand, but he's fine. Anyway, today was a great day to refresh and hopefully recover our muscles from the past to days. We really needed a nice tail wind and short day like today.
When you say we were sore and took an ice bath did that include Wade? I can't foresee Wade being sore like an old man like you, but I may be wrong.