Total Miles: 1063.20
Time: 4:34
Average Speed: 14.5 mph
Max Speed: 30.9 mph
Flats Today: 0
Total Flats: 3
Elevation Gain: 1227 ft
Weather: Strong head winds around 80 degrees
After the sag stop, the wind got stronger. We went from 13 mph to about 10 mph, and it was a hard 10 mph. We would stop about every 5 miles because we would see a nice rock formation to take a picture of... we weren't tired, we just had to take pictures!!! There was some cool mountains out there though. Besides the wind and the rock mountains, there wasn't much more. We did see some dry river beds, and those were kind of interesting. Luckily it was only 66 miles, or we would have struggled. The wind was so powerful, that when it randomly
shifted to a side wind for 5 seconds, (trust me it does do that), Wade got blow about 2 yards onto the rumble strips and almost onto the road. It was hard to stop and take pictures because it would almost be blowing us over. The wind over here is much wo
rse than Ohio wind, and it seems like it's always in our face. By the way, the shoulder was much wider today, but it was chip and seal, so it was rough. Fortunately, we had plenty of training on the chip and seal sides of the roads in Shelby County thanks to Bob Geuy "our favorite county engineer". We were used to our hands vibrating so much that they got numb. Nobody else was as prepared as we were for numb hands.
Anyway, we got through the wind and into Green River around 1:15. We stopped at a sandwich shop just before our hotel to get a sandwich and some ice cream. As we were waiting for our food, we got a call from one of the staff members saying that 2 spots on the Arches National Park Tour opened up. We wanted to go on that the whole time, but we weren't there to claim a spot yesterday because we were at Church. When they called, it was 1:45 and they were
leaving at 2:00. We got our sandwich, ate it extremely fast, took off on our bikes at around 25 mph for the last 2 miles, got our room, got changed, and made it back into the lobby for loading by 2:00. We were very happy to be going on this trip to see those famous arches.
We had to ride in a van for about 50 miles to the Arches National Park, but when we got there, it was beautiful. Like everything else on this trip, the further we got, the more amazing the scenery got. Wade told me, "This is what I thought all of Utah looked like." We took a record number of pictures, and most of them were
awesome. We'll show you a few, but if you weren't there, it would seem like we're taking pictures of the same rock. The whole park was beautiful... I could have stayed there for a couple of days just going through the park, there also was a lot of hiking trails. We were only there for 2 hours, but we did have to get back and eat supper. Wade has to eat... A lot.
Every month I attend a President's Circle meeting at Aileron. Chuck, the moderator of the group, always asks us for our word of the day. Since I won't be there, Wade and I came up with my Word for this meeting. Our word is WOW. Wow, it sure is beautiful out here. Wow, I sure am getting tired of the strong head winds. Wow, I really appreciate all the extra hard work that Jeff Puthoff and many others are doing to give me this opportunity. Jeff even left his family Disney World Vacation early and drove through the night to get back to work, thanks, Jeff. Wow, I really appreciate my wife and daughters in picking up my work and duties at home. Wow, I might be in trouble when they find out I really don't do anything and they might find out I am not needed. Anyway, Chuck and the rest of my friends at President Circle, my word is WOW.
WOW, what a trip! When you get back, I would like to invite you to speak to the Tipp City Rotary Club about you trip, wow! This could be the start of your speaking tour of the country? Enjoying the blog and pics. Keep going Tony & Wade. Bradley
ReplyDeleteand WOW! It's hard to believe that those few (LOL) miles you ride every day have already added up to over 1000! WOW
You guys are having the time of your life and I am proud to say that I know you. I have never got so involved in a daily log or journal, I live every site you see and every event you write about. I'm sure there plenty more.... but that will make for good stories at Christmas time. Keep it up, don't quit and steady as she goes... keep the road under you, the sky above you and the rocks beside you. Our prayers will be with you to keep you safe.
ReplyDeleteBiL and Uncle Tom.