Total Miles: 1694.96
Time: 6:25
Average Speed: 16.2 mph
Max Speed: 25.3 mph
Flats Today: 1
Total Flats: 9
Elevation Gain: 836 ft
Weather: Head winds all day around 90 degrees
After the town of Holly, we rode another 10 miles to the first sag stop. We were only 33 miles in, and we were already tired. We ate a bunch of food, then we headed out onto the road again. Only about a mile after the sag stop, we arrived in Kansas... Now the scenery's going to get really boring. We took some pictures by the sign, then we moved on. It was a long ride into the head winds for about 30 miles before we came upon anything. At one point I just got tired of riding in a pace line since we've been riding in them for almost the entire trip. We pushed against the wind for a long time before we came upon the sign that told us we were switching from mountain to central time. We took some pictures since there was nothing else, then we moved on. Our phones actually did
n't changed time until about 10 miles past the sign. Wade tried jumping back and forth from one side of the sign to the other, but he didn't have any success... We found later that our phones wouldn't change until we got connection from a tower in the central time zone.
We rode about 10 miles past the sign, then we saw the second sag stop. We were all getting excited to get to the sag when out of nowhere we heard a "bang," It sounded like a shotgun, but it was my tire. I blew a huge hole in my tube and all the way through my tire. I don't know how it happened, but I'm glad that it happened only about 100 feet from the sag stop. While I was at the sag I got one of their extra tires and tubes, put those on my wheel, ate a bunch of food, then headed out again. We rode another 30 miles against strong head winds into the hotel, got in the pool, took a shower, then went to eat at a buffet. What a day, but at least tomorrow is only 51 miles instead of another century. By the way, we just did 3 centuries in 4 days... We are exhausted.
haha Wade! Wish the jumping across the time change line would have worked! And I'm so proud of you guys - 3 centuries in 4 days! :)